Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tech Tip 1

The template that I chose for my blog is one of the Travel Templates. I liked the color scheme of it, as well how the posts were framed in the screen. I haven't done much blogging before, so I don't know how the format compares, but I like the template I chose. The way the template frames the posts is like a few of the blogs I follow. I like the blocks of color, where the blues make the blog stand out some, but the text is easy to read with the traditional white background and black lettering.

1 comment:

  1. For your tech tip I would like to say that it really does give your page an adventurous feel. It is the kind of colors that you might see in a travel brochure or a book about wild life and animals in general. Which goes really well with the pictures of your dogs and the story of the bear. You did a good job with that tech tip.
